Advent is a time of preparation: we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth and we prepare to welcome Jesus when he comes again. During Advent we have an opportunity to pause during a very busy season and reflect on how God is present with us. There are several ways to observe this time.
Advent Prayer & Devotion
The four weeks of Advent are the perfect time to try daily prayer and devotion. Committing to do it during the next four weeks is an easy goal and may start a longer habit. During Advent, we provide special resources for both devotion and prayer. Morning and evening prayer will use the Advent Prayer Book that you can download. We will also be using the devotional, Heaven and Nature Sing. Both resources are available at the church. You can use them both or choose which one works best for you
Daily prayer will be offered at both 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM each day on the Koinonia Facebook page. You can also watch it at any time on Peace’s page. If you have the Advent Prayer Book, you will be able to follow along and participate at home.
The devotional book provides daily reflections throughout the season. These can be read at your convince. In addition, the scripture readings and devotions will be used as part of daily prayer.
In addition, try this special Christmas Tree Blessing as you decorate your Christmas tree this year.
Wednesday Prayer
On each Wednesday during Advent, we will be gathering at one of the churches of our co-op for in-person prayer. Music and Advent carols will be part of this service. In addition, there will be a time of reflection. Directions to each church.
Giving opportunities
During Advent, our mind often turns to ways we can help others. Here is a list of opportunities in our congregation:
- Winter Outerwear – the barrel is out in the narthex and you can bring new or used coats, hats, gloves, scarves, boots, etc. to donate. Items will be given to local charities helping people who need warm clothing for the winter.
- Children’s boots – New or gently used children’s boots can be placed in the collection box in the narthex for River City Scholars Academy in Grand Rapid.
- Giving Tree – donations of new toys and children’s clothing (infant to teen) and laundry detergent can be placed under the tree in the narthex. Items will be distributed to Northern Kent County residents through North Kent Connect. Please bring items to the church before Wednesday, December 8th.
- Commodities Distribution, Come help pass out food from 3:00 to 6:00PM. This event is not appropriate for elementary age children (unless heavily supervised). We will be preparing boxes of food before each distribution. Children are very helpful on Boxing Day!
Advent Milestone
The Advent Milestone provides additional suggestions on how to observe Advent in your home. Celebrating Advent in your household provides new depth and dimension to this special season.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve worship this year will be offered at 7:00 PM at Peace. You’re invited to join with us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus with Carols, prayers, and candlelight.
In addition, an Online Christmas Eve prayer in the barn will be on the Koinonia Facebook Page at 11:00PM