Once every three months, Peace distributes Government Commodities through the TEFAP program. The Commodities include both non-perishable and frozen items. The program is open to everyone who has a stated need.
Peace Lutheran Church is an equal opportunity provider and does not discriminate.
The commodities are provided through the Department of Education, via Kent County Community Access. While the exact content of the commodities boxes varies each time, it will include nearly 100 lbs of food. Items like frozen meat, butter, canned soup, pasta, canned fruit, and other items will be included.
During the months that there is not a Commodities distribution, we offer a Mobile Food Pantry.
For volunteer opportunities, please see the bottom of this page.
- December 16th, 2021, 3:00 PM – 6:00PM (or until food runs out)
- March 24th, 2022, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM (or until food runs out)
- June 23rd, 2022, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM (or until food runs out)
- September, 22nd, 2022, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM (or until food runs out)
- December, 15th, 2022, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM (or until food runs out)
We are currently doing a contactless, drive-thru distribution.
- Enter the back parking lot via Spartan Dr, on the west side of the church building.
- Check in with the greeter and receive a number for each household for whom you are picking up.
- Wait in your car and follow the car in front of you.
- Inform the volunteer where you would like the food placed (back seat, trunk, truck bed, etc)
Please note
- If you are picking up for another household who can not be present, you will need to have a signed note from that household that includes their name, address, number of adults and children in the household, and reason for needing food.
- We are unable to guarantee food will be available. We try to ensure that everyone will receive something, but sometimes run out toward the end. Typically anyone who arrive prior to 4:30 will receive food. At the end, we may run out of some items but be able to provide something.
- Please do not line up more than two hours in advance of the distribution.
We can’t do our commodities distribution without the help of our volunteers. Everyone working at the distribution is donating their time. We are always happy to welcome new volunteers. There are two opportunities to volunteer for the commodities distributions:
The Saturday before the distribution we will be boxing food from 3PM to 6PM. If you plan to help, please email the church and verify the date and time. We will be filling boxes with the dry goods that have been delivered. Children and all ages are welcome at this event. Some volunteers choose to stay for the whole time and others are able to help for part of the time. We appreciate everyone who can help.
The Day of the distribution we need help getting things ready, boxing frozen food, signing people in, and loading food into vehicles. Volunteers are needed starting at 2:00PM to help get boxes ready and through out the distribution till about 6:00PM as we clean up. If you intend to volunteer, please email the church and verify the times you plan to help. This event can be quite chaotic and might not be appropriate for younger children. This event is best for older children, teens, and adults. When you arrive be sure to check-in
Volunteers, please note: All volunteers who are eligible for commodities are welcome to take food. We cannot, however, favor volunteers in the distribution. We are unable to provide food prior to the day of the distribution. If volunteers desire to receive a box, please register on the day of the distribution and get a number. Then pick up your food when your number arrives.