Individual milestones are ones that happen to individuals throughout their life. Some are joyful occasions and some are sad, but all of them are events that help shape us as individuals. Acknowledging them from a faith perspective helps us remember that God is present in our lives in both joyful and sad moments.
Below is a list of individual milestones for which the church can provide additional resources. Some have a special milestone rock that will be presented during worship to accompany the family observance of the milestone. In addition, there may be milestones that occur that don’t have a resource for observance. Below the list, is a brief guide for observing unique milestones. When such an occurrence happens, please share it with the church so that we can explore developing a special resource for others who may also experience that milestone.
How to observe a milestone
For most individual milestones, observance includes three parts:
- Family Devotions.
- If available, request the special resource for the milestone to be acknowledged.
- Use the resource guide to help develop a unique family devotion centered around the milestone.
- Acknowledgment by the Church & presentation of the Milestone (optional)
- Let the church know that you have used and completed the Milestone and a date will be scheduled to ancknowledge the milestone during worship.
- On the appointed day, the individual will be recognized during worship for completing the milestone and a commemorative milestone tolken will be given to them.
- Remembrance of the milestone
- On the anniversary of the milestone or another time, recall the milestone and make it part of family devotions. Some milestones have natural times at which to remember them. For example, the First Day of School milestone can be remembered every fall as school starts up again.
- Use the special resources if available to help remember the the milestone or simple acknowlege it during devotions and invite family members to share memories or thoughts about it.
List of available Individual milestones.
Please email the church to request the resources for any of these milestones.
- Anniversary of Baptism
- Beginning School
- Back to School
- First Communion
- Entering Middle School
- New Pet
- First Cell Phone
- Driver’s License
- Breaking a Bone / significant injury
- High School Graduation
- First Christmas
- Christmas Tree Blessing
- Easter egg Blessing
- Family Vacation
- Family Reunion
- Learning the Lord’s Prayer
- New home
- Severe Weather
- Learning the 10 commandments
- Learning the Apostle’s creed
- Birthday
- Report Card
- At the time of death
- Preparing for worship
- End of School Year
- Before a medical procedure or surgery
- Receiving a Bible
General Liturgy for observing a Milestone
Sometimes there are personal milestones for which there is not a prepared resource. Here is a general liturgy that can be used during family devotions for observing a milestone. Milestones may mark achievements (such as a school or sports achievement) or more personal event (whether joyful or sad).
If you use it, please let the church know and share what you did, we may be able to acknowledge it during worship and develop a resource for other individuals in the future. In addition, Pastor Bryan will be happy to work with your family to provide suggestions (such as prayers or scriptures) to help observe the milestone.
- Prepare for the milestone
- Decide when you will observe the milestone. You will want to observe the milestone as close to its actual occurance as possible. For example if you are marking a school or sports achievement, be ready by preparing ahead of time.
- Pick an appropriate scripture reading. You can often do an internet search to find suggested scripture readings, “Bible readings for __________”. You can also ask Pastor for suggestions.
- Decide if you will mark the milestone with a commemorative token
- Contact the church if you would like the milestone recognized during worship.
- If there are items that represent the milestone (For example a medal or certificate) be sure to have those available for the devotional time.
- Consider ways that a service element could be part of this milestone.
- Announce to the family that during devotions the individual will be recognized for the milestone.
- In addition to your typicall family devotion arrangement (candle, bible, milestones bowl, etc). lay out itemes that represent the milestone.
- During Devotions
- Begin family devotions in a typical way, using the following for each of the core parts
- Scripture
- Read the scripture you have selected for the milestone and invite eveyone to share why they think this scripture is appropriate for the milestone.
- Caring Conversation.
- Acknowledge the milestone and invite the individual to share their feelings about it.
- Invite other family members to share their thoughts and feelings about the milestone.
- Service
- Discuss ideas for including a service element to mark this milestone.
- Ritual and blessing
- If a token is to be presented. give it to the individual now. Alternatively this may happen during worship at church.
- If a token is not presented. It may be appropriate to mark the milestone by in another way (ie. framing a certificate).
- Bless the individual by inviting family members to lay a hand on the person’s head or shoulder and offer a thanks and a hope related to the milestone.
- Conclude the family devotion with the Lord’s prayer.