Lent marks the season of preparation before Easter. It begins with Ash Wednesday and continues through Good Friday. The final week of Lent is typically known as Holy Week and had its own worship schedule. There are several additional worship opportunities during Lent.
Observing a Holy Lent
On Ash Wednesday, we are invited to “observe a holy Lent”. There are a variety of ways that you may choose to do this. Each year, our congregation provides two resources to help you observe a holy Lent:
- Prayer Book – includes a liturgy for morning and evening prayer. You may use this on your own or join Pastors Bryan & Julie on our Facebook page. Copies of the prayer book are available at the church and can be downloaded following the above link.
- Devotional Books – This year’s devotional books are Water & Spirit. Each day there is a brief scripture reading with a short devotion and prayer. Copies are available at the church. You may wish use the book as a family at a common meal.
Observing Lent at home
There are a variety of ways to observe Lent. Some choose to give something up for Lent. Others take on a spiritual practice. For ideas and suggestions for how you might observe Lent in your household, see our Lent Milestone.
Lent Prayer & Worship Opportunities
Unless otherwise noted, events are at Peace’s building and on our Facebook page.
- Ash Wednesday, February 14, 7:00 PM. Marking the beginning of Lent, worship is offered on this evening. On this night we acknowledge our own mortality and need for God. Ash Wednesday can be a very good way to begin any lenten practices you intend to observe.
- Lenten Daily Prayer. Morning and Evening Prayer are offered daily on Facebook. You can join us live on the Koinonia Facebook Page (9:00AM and 7:00PM), or watch anytime during the day on our Peace Page.
- Mid-week Lenten Worship, Wednesdays. We will be gathering each Wednesday at Peace for a light soup supper and Worship. Feel free to join us at 6:15PM for soup and worship at 7:00PM. This year our worship time will reflect on some of the saints of the church, both ancient and modern.
- Holy Week. The final week of Lent provide additional opportunities to journey with Jesus through the final week before his crucifixion and resurrection.
- Palm/Passion Sunday, March 24, 10:00 AM. During regular worship we recall Jesus’ triumphal entry and then read the passion story. Palms this day can be taken home and be used as part of family devotions throughout Lent. Please note that 8:00AM worship is canceled this week.
- Holy Monday – Holy Wednesday, Daily Prayer. Our Facebook Daily Prayers will focus on the events of Jesus’ last week as we move closer to the cross.
- Maundy Thursday, March 28, 7:00 PM. On this night we remember the Last Supper, how Jesus washed the disciples feet and began Holy Communion. The final three days of Holy Week, Thursday through Saturday, are known as the Triduum, because the three days make up one worship service. Together the lead us from the Last Supper through the crucifixion to the Resurrection.
- Good Friday, March 28, 7:00 PM. Tonight we remember Jesus death and burial. We gather around the cross, remembering Jesus’ sacrifice, but also his promise that through the cross we have life.
- Holy Saturday, March 29, 7:00PM at Zion. On the eve of Holy Saturday we gather for the final service of the Triduum, Easter Vigil. This very special service is done co-operatively with Zion and incorporates the telling of many biblical stories through drama, video, and other creative means. The service culminates with the celebration of the Resurrection.
Giving Opportunities
Giving is a spiritual practice observed during Lent. Whether it is giving money, time, or something else, by giving something away we find ourselves open to God.
This year for Lent, you are encouraged to make a donation for earthquake relief in Syria and Turkey through ELCA Disaster Response. One way you may wish to do this is to place a bowl or jar on your table. Encourage everyone in your household to place a coin in it at each meal.
A couple of ways you can give of your time are to volunteer at the church for
- Mobile Food Pantry, Feb 24th, Mobile Food Pantry at 5:30PM. Help pass out food to individuals and families.
- Commodities boxing, March 18th, 3-6PM — Help prepare boxes for the distribution. This event is appropriate for all ages. We will be packing boxes with food.
- Commodites Distribution, March 23th, 3-6PM — Help distribute food by loading car. Also, we will be packing boxes of frozen food. This event is not as appropriate for young children (lower elementary or younger).
Lent concludes with Holy Week during which we follow Jesus last week before his death. There are several special worship opportunities offered during Holy Week.
Following our Lenten preparation, we are ready to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter and for the 50 days following.