Welcoming Children to Worship,

Whether you have children in your household or not this will be a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Milestones and how you can use them. We will also be exploring how Children are an important part of our worship life. On this day, you will receive a milestones collection to help you start family devotions at home.

If you missed our intergenerational event, you can watch the video of the event on our Facebook page. Additional blessing bowls and milestones are available from the church, just ask Pastor.

Worship is for the whole family of God, no matter what age you are. By keeping children in worship, we teach them the importance of worship, help them learn worship skills that will guide them through their life, and enrich our worship with the joyfulness that children bring.

At this inter-generational even we will help children learn about their role in worship by getting a tour of our worship space. We will also make a craft that can be used in worship at home. Finally we will explore household devotions using the Milestones.

On the Sunday following this event, households who participate, will receive a special milestone token during worship.

For suggestions about how to be welcoming and help children worship, see our Children & Worship page.